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Services - Bad Vision

Services - Bad Vision

Does your cat have vision problems? Does your cat walk into walls? Perhaps is always staring off into space?

Maybe your cat has vision problems.

Bring your cat in for a vision test, and we’ll go over your cats options.

Some of our solutions include:

Vision Solution Comment Preview
Monocles for One-eyed Cats for a sophisticated, refined look. Cats wearing monicle
Aviator Sunglasses for Cats because every cat deserves to look like a cool pilot. Cats wearing Sunglasses
3D Printed Custom Frames because every cat is unique. Cats wearing Custom Frames
Cat-themed Eye Patches for a pirate-themed party or Halloween costume. Cats wearing Eye Patches
Light-up Glasses for Nighttime Adventures perfect for nocturnal felines. Cats wearing Light-up Glasses
Rainbow-colored Lenses because cats deserve to see the world in all its colorful glory. Cats wearing Rainbow Blasses
Cat-eye Contact Lenses perfect for kitties who want to look fierce!
Laser-guided Vision Correction the future is here, and it involves lasers!